S.A.I.S., Società Agricola Italiana Sementi SPA, is a company based in the Emilia Romagna Region that produces high quality seeds.
We have been contacted by S.A.I.S. to provide specific LED Lamp Solutions for growth chambers with a controlled humidity and temperature. Six lamps were provided for each growth chamber, each one with a surface of about 13m². Along with the growth lamps we provided white LED lamps
which are used for plant inspection.
S.A.I.S., has installed ours LED Lamps in the growth chambers of their pathology plant laboratory.
“We use growth chambers mainly for the evaluation of the symptoms of various pathogens and the response of plants. On the species we handle, mainly, tomato, zucchini, pepper and basil, we saw a sharp improvement in seedlings quality compared to the previous lighting with neon lamps. This has been confirmed also during the growth and life of the same plants. ” Franca Castagnoli Chief technical officer at S.A.I.S.